Rewarding curiosity and gifting magic all over the Pacific Northwest


This blog is an exploration of daily magic, featuring wild plants, creative recipes, meaningful ceremonies, and writings about our shared humanity. 

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Welcome to the Wondersmith's Writings! Here you can find magical recipes featuring foraged ingredients, musings on food and ceremony, and meaningful rituals to explore your own everyday magic. Though I have been focused on other writing pursuits, I am keeping all of my blog content up as a resource for you. You can use the search bar below to find what you are looking for. (Please note that sometimes you need to refresh the page to see the search results.) Happy reading! If you'd like to support my goal to spread magic far and wide, consider contributing to my patreon program!

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Silky Rose Powder Because You Deserve Pleasure

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New to foraging? Learn more about ethical and safe foraging (plus how to get started) here! 

It’s an early morning on one of the first true days of summer. Sunlight just peeking through the trees illuminates the wild roses, making them glow with a delicate elegance. The pollinators haven’t yet joined in the business of the day, but the air is filled with the morning chorus of birds snuggled into the brambles. 

Softly, meditatively, I pick, plucking a blossom here or a blossom there, silky-soft between my fingers. Whenever I forage for wild rose petals, it’s as if the world melts away and I am wrapped in invisible softness, a tenderness and sense of love. I can get lost in this world for hours, filling my bag with the most delightful fragrance. I wander as I gather, leaving plenty of flowers behind for the pollinators that will soon be joining us. 

The sweetness of wild roses is something I can never get quite enough of. I preserve them in many ways to add a splash of loving summer energy to recipes and concoctions throughout the colder months; though, today, the sensual and cooling energy of these particular wild rose petals will find itself employed in a summertime use: a silky body powder! 

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These rose petals will be dried and powdered, then mixed with absorbent natural powders to add comfort and sensuality to the hot days ahead. This powder can be dusted between thighs to avoid friction and rubbing, or applied beneath breasts to help keep that area dry and fresh too. Perhaps my personal favorite use is in the bedroom, where a dusting of this magic powder in fresh bedsheets makes them feel like silk and keeps away those sticky summer nights for delightful, rosy-scented snuggles. Pure pleasure. 

The pursuit of pleasure is such a worthwhile part of the experience of living. In a society that tends to swing to puritanical extremes, we often consume our pleasure aggressively or intensely, feeling shame or guilt about our desire to feel good. Instead, perhaps I can suggest a more gentle approach? Pleasure can be found in daily delights, simple tasks, and easy recipes just as easily as it can be found on luxurious vacations and expensive purchases. 

Find the pleasure in picking wild roses. Find the pleasure in grinding them in a mortar and pestle, releasing their incredible fragrance. Find the pleasure in mixing up a batch of this silky powder, then incorporating that loving and cooling rose energy into your daily rituals. You deserve to enjoy the process. 

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30 drops rose and/or lavender essential oil 

2 Tbs. kaolin clay

¾  c. arrowroot starch

¼  c. cornstarch

2 Tbs. orris root starch

2 Tbs. powdered dried rose petals

Add 1 Tbs. uncooked white rice to the shaker to prevent clumping. 


  1. Mix the essential oil into the kaolin until it is evenly dispersed and no lumps remain. 

  2. Sift together everything except the rice. Mix thoroughly. 

  3. Transfer the mixture to a container with a fine mesh shaker. Add the rice, which will help the powders shake out evenly and prevent clumping. 

  4. Cap and store in a cool, dark place. Use on your body to prevent rubbing and friction, or dust your bedsheets for silky slumber.  

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