Rewarding curiosity and gifting magic all over the Pacific Northwest


This blog is an exploration of daily magic, featuring wild plants, creative recipes, meaningful ceremonies, and writings about our shared humanity. 

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Welcome to the Wondersmith's Writings! Here you can find magical recipes featuring foraged ingredients, musings on food and ceremony, and meaningful rituals to explore your own everyday magic. Though I have been focused on other writing pursuits, I am keeping all of my blog content up as a resource for you. You can use the search bar below to find what you are looking for. (Please note that sometimes you need to refresh the page to see the search results.) Happy reading! If you'd like to support my goal to spread magic far and wide, consider contributing to my patreon program!

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Craft Club: Seed Bomb Bon Bons and The Preciousness of Nature

Hooray, it’s Wondercrew Wednesday! I love being able to share something special with my beloved Wondercrew, the kind folks who support me so I can share so many wonderful things with others. This week’s surprise is a Craft Club project that I’ve had a lot of fun designing, I hope you like it too!

Seed Bomb Bon Bons: The Preciousness of Nature

Are you easily swayed by presentation? Have you ever bought a bottle of wine almost entirely based on the cool label, or impulse bought a bar of soap because it was just packaged so cutely? Have you ever put off eating a confection because it was so carefully crafted or struggled to cut into a decorated cake? If you’re reading this, chances are you can relate; I am most certainly swayed by presentation, and I take great delight in coming up with lovely ways to package or display what I create. Not only is good design a chance to showcase a product, it is also an indication of care and time, which often means quality. Think of a luxury box of chocolates, each one decorated in a different way, some with white chocolate drizzled over the top, others rolled in raspberry powder, and still others shining with a perfectly-tempered colored chocolate surface. All tucked into their individual paper cups, those beautiful chocolates look like precious gems! 

That’s where I got the inspiration for this project: taking something simple, and elevating it to be something precious, a thing of beauty. Seed Bomb Bon Bons. 

Making seed bombs is as simple as mixing some seeds with compost, placing it on a disc of air dry clay, and rolling the clay up around it. The clay helps the interior retain moisture while it germinates so soon you can be spreading wildflowers wherever you’d like! But what if we took this concept and dressed it up a little, really made it something special? There are many fun ways to decorate your seed bombs to make them something truly worth celebrating! 

Why might you want to take the time and effort to do such a crazy thing? Impact. These are no longer forgettable balls of clay, these are handcrafted artisanal treasures, which means that the seeds they carry inside are, too. Just as gourmet chocolates are meant to be consumed with intention and pleasure rather than scarfed down like a half-price chocolate bar, these seed bombs carry a certain gravitas, a certain delight in their use. How elegantly rebellious to toss something this lovely into a vacant lot! What a delight to pick the perfect selection to scatter down your wild hillside! 

This project may seem unnecessarily complex, but let us remember how powerful presentation can be on the psyche. I envision these as a perfect Earth Day gift for someone special. The effort you put into making them absolutely gorgeous will show your recipient that you care for them enough to take the time to present them with something special. Their elegance will also communicate that you treat what the seed bombs stand for - love for the Earth, allowing nature to reclaim urban spaces, supporting local pollinators, etc. - is just as important and elevated. These are something special because the Earth is something special, and deserves to be loved and celebrated too! By sharing these beautiful seed bomb bon bons with a friend, you are sharing them with Mother Nature herself. 

*Just a tip: if you do decide to present a friend with a box of beautiful seed bomb bon bons, make sure they are labeled clearly. It’s also not a bad idea to include a box of real chocolates, since the appearance of these creations can definitely set off some cravings...

*Important note: make sure that the wildflower seeds you are using are native to your area. You don’t want to accidentally introduce an invasive species! Often your local garden centers will be able to tell you what you can safely use, and even have specific mixes for pollinator-friendly wildflowers, drought-resistant wildflowers, etc. If you want, you can include a different kind of flower in each different design of bon bon, or you can use the same mix in all of them. It’s entirely up to you! 

Find the rest of this post and the Craft Club Project over on!

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