Rewarding curiosity and gifting magic all over the Pacific Northwest


This blog is an exploration of daily magic, featuring wild plants, creative recipes, meaningful ceremonies, and writings about our shared humanity. 

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Welcome to the Wondersmith's Writings! Here you can find magical recipes featuring foraged ingredients, musings on food and ceremony, and meaningful rituals to explore your own everyday magic. Though I have been focused on other writing pursuits, I am keeping all of my blog content up as a resource for you. You can use the search bar below to find what you are looking for. (Please note that sometimes you need to refresh the page to see the search results.) Happy reading! If you'd like to support my goal to spread magic far and wide, consider contributing to my patreon program!

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Soft Focus Aromatherapy and The Power of Ritual

Learn to use a blend of mugwort, yuzu, rosemary, and birch to signal to your body that it’s time to focus.

New to foraging? Learn more about ethical and safe foraging (plus how to get started) here!

Hey reader, will you do me a favor? Slow down a little. Take a couple of minutes to jot down whatever is on your mind onto a piece of paper and set it aside. Get something warm to drink. Settle in somewhere comfortable, light a candle with a scent that makes you feel relaxed. Then, you can start reading. Repeat these steps every time you sit down to read, whether it’s this book or another. After a while, these steps will become a ritual, and that ritual will help your mind know that it’s time to let go of distractions and focus while your body knows it is time to relax. 

Rituals are incredibly powerful, even (and perhaps especially) the ones that we do so automatically as to forget that we are doing at all. Brushing your teeth can subconsciously signal to your mind that it’s time for bed, while washing your face might remind your body that it’s time to be alert and active. That’s because rituals are a threshold. They act as a bridge between this state and that one. They don’t have to be tied to religion or spirituality to be impactful and transformational, though they certainly can be. 

The best thing about them? You can create your own, customized exactly to what purpose you want it to serve and how you relate to each step! On the days that I want to write but my mind is too busy, I go through the ritual described above. I smell rosemary and birch essential oils for focus. Sometimes I read a little bit as my mind slows down. Then, relaxed and focused, I know I am ready to write. Some days it’s as simple as just taking a sniff of rosemary to trigger the whole reaction. Other days, I must complete every step. I first started intentionally defining a specific atmosphere for studying when I was in college; trying to find focus after a busy day with a lot of stimulation was difficult for me, so I started wearing a specific sweater and sitting in an area of my room reserved only for studying. I found that the more consistently I did that, the easier it was for my mind to slip into “study mode.”

Perhaps you already have a little ritual before game days or big meetings to put you in the right head space. Maybe you’re a performer and need those few minutes of silence before walking on stage to get into character. It’s likely that you have far more little rituals in your life than you realize! Consistency can offer a lot of comfort, even (and perhaps especially) to those that lead less-structured lives. Can you make the commitment to yourself to honor a specific transition that can be difficult to make by using ritual as a tool to get there? Can you show yourself commitment to that ritual as an act of self-compassion?

Define your purpose. Create the steps. Repeat them on a regular basis. Congratulations, you’re doing magic. It really IS that simple. 

Soft Focus Aromatherapy Oil: 

This delightful blend is both grounding and uplifting, perfect for helping you get in a clear, relaxed headspace and ready to focus. This recipe is for 3oz of infused oil, but you can easily scale it up or down to your preference. 


3 ½ oz sweet almond oil

¼ c. dried mugwort

15 drops Yuzu essential oil 

9 drops Rosemary essential oil

6 drops Lemon essential oil 

6 drops Balsam Fir essential oil 

3 drops Birch essential oil


  1. Place the dried mugwort into a clean, dry glass jar. Top with the sweet almond oil and seal, then allow to infuse for 3-4 weeks. 

  2. Strain the infused oil through a fine sieve. Add the essential oils and stir, then carefully pour into roll-on applicator bottles or another applicator of your choice. 

  3. Rub a little of the oil onto your temples and beneath your nose as part of the focus ritual described above. 

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